Levis 501 tapered jeans with stretch 34x32

Cena: $ 20 20 $
Cena do negocjacji


Like a new one, maybe 3 times. Sells because I lost weight. Perfect condition, like new. Stretch pants so fit well. Great live color, bought in the original Levis store in Krakow. Perfect condition. The price of such is usually half the price. INVITE you to measure. If so, I will refund the money. Opportunity!


Washougal, Washington, United States of America
1409 N Shepherd Rd, Washougal, Washington(WA)

Szczegóły ogłoszenia

Id Ogłoszenia 259
Wyświetlony 475
Dodane 15 czerwiec 2021
Wygasa 01 lipiec 2025
W kategoriach Trousers